Jessica Lee Yoga

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Finding Calm in a Time of Uncertainty

The weeks have been rolling on by with self-isolation and the stresses involved then slowly navigating the other side. There is no business as usual for anyone regardless of whether you’re still working, furloughed, being educator, housekeeper or everything else under the sun.

Here are some habits that I have been doing to help find some calm in the storm and I thought I’d share them in case any resonate with you to use during this time or beyond.

  • Be kind to yourself and not feeling like you need to come out of this knowing a new language, a professional sourdough bread maker, or certified in a new skill. If you need to spend the day chilling out and watching bad tv shows or reading a book. Perhaps it’s cooking your favourite meal or taking a slow day. It’s easy to get caught up with all the posts people have shared and get caught up in not doing enough.

  • Writing a Gratitude Journal. It can be really simple in the back of a notebook, the bottom of your diary pages, in the notes section of your phone. I try to write at least three things that I am grateful for that day. Sometimes they can be really small, like enjoying a cup of my favourite green tea or talking to a friend, or finding a favourite photo whilst sorting through my files. Or it can be bigger things like good health, living in a country with a support network. Anything that comes to mind. I like to flick back through the different things I’ve written down every so often. I feel it helps me to look out for little small positive moments in my day.

  • Making a bit of time to exercise at home or outside. It can be at a level that is suitable for you so don’t worry you don’t need to be spend 2hrs going on a run then do pushups and cooling down with yoga. I know for me I do a lot more walking pre-lockdown. I would walk to and from studios, meetings, or whatever tasks I had on. Now it’s more of a conscious effort to go out for a long walk. I know the days that I do walk as a minimum really help me. Doing movement helps to release endorphins that will make you feel happier, more relaxed and hopefully sleep better. So find your movement that fits your lifestyle, habits and enjoy the process of discovering what makes you feel good.

  • Checking in with friends, loved ones and listening to how they’re feeling. It’s a positive way to connect with each other and realise that we’re all experiencing this with ups and downs. It’s not bad and there may be things going on that someone feels uncomfortable to reach out about. The small check-ins can really make someone’s day so they aren’t to be underestimated.

  • Take time to wind down in the evening. I love to switch off the devices, play music softly in the background and read or sometimes listen to a Yoga Nidra. I’ve started playing with the lighting in the bedroom so that it’s softer and more restful in the evening. At the start of the lockdown, I was sleeping badly so added in a few more things like an essential oil pressure point roll on to use before bed. I got Surrender from Eve & Keel a beautiful English brand. Then I invested in a great eye make by Manta Eyemasks. They are super comfortable and a true blackout eye mask.

I hope these are helpful reminders of the small thing that can have a positive impact on your day to day feeling of calmness and ease in this strange year.