Minimalism continued


Removing lots of old belongings has been a great experience and one that has continued onwards.  We've been loving having the apartment feel fresh, clean and spacious.Next steps...Reviewing clothes - I've been clearing out a few more items of clothing that are either quite old (and quite honestly should have gone in the first cull but I wasn't quite ready to), items that I truly have not worn in months or even seasonally.  This round of clearing items was a lot easier and simpler.  Having a reduced wardrobe has been an asset in the mornings getting ready for work in the mornings.  It has made me evaluate what items are necessities or items that need replacing.  To be honest, the replacing items tend to be more of luxury items than necessities.Keeping the focus on the vision you want - this will be different for everyone and what is important to you.  For me, I love the space to be bright, light, and natural.  White walls, clean lines is something I like and have been fostering in the space.  I am doing as much as I can in the space that is available.Keep it simple and avoid over complicating things - this is sometimes easier said than done!  I've found that keeping the surfaces clear and with a few select items has helped to create serenity to the space.  A great example would be the coffee table in the apartment.  It used to contain 6 orchids, speakers, vases, and photo albums.  I have a small corner that has a couple of plants in it that is a beautiful sun trap for plants. I moved the orchids to this spot as well.


Tips: Produce you MUST buy Organic


Sunday reading