5 Tips for Finding Fitness that you Enjoy!


Finding a fitness that you love to do will help to get you through that barrier of 'do I have time?' or 'can I get my butt to the class?'.  Everyone is different and it does depend on what you body needs or wants at this moment.  I have a few friends who are very regimented and will book out time for exercise and attend without fail even if it's something they say they don't particularly enjoy.  We've all been there trying to push ourselves into something then slowly our interest will drop.  It's all about experimenting and finding what suits you.  If you enjoy it, then you'll find the time.What did you like to do as a kid?  This is a great question to consider when you are looking at potential exercise.  For example for me I would be running around outside, dancing, swimming (well floating around!), horse riding, climbing into a tree house, playing sports with a form of racquet (tennis, ping pong and squash), building mini assault courses with my siblings for us and the neighbour's dog.  Thinking of my siblings I would say my sister would  be more likely to use the tennis court for roller blading, the swimming pool to read a book in her floating inflatable boat, and the squash court seating area to read in the air con.  What did you like to do as a kid?  Running, rock climbing, more chilled out, swimming, track, dancing?  Take a look at what you liked doing and what exercises you could do now as the newer version for example joining a running group, local tennis club, signing up for crossfit, circus training.  What makes you feel like its all play?child's playTake advantage of intro offers or CLASSPASS. The majority of gyms, studios and work out places offer introductory offers to give you a taster to the classes and experience the environment of the space.  Each studio is different and it's important to find what fits for you.  You want to feel comfortable going whilst you sweat it out and challenge your body.  Make sure you understand the terms and book into course to make sure you feel like you've experienced the space and the different teachers.  There is CLASSPASS - its a great way to experience studios that would normally be too expensive or involve signing up to a package of classes.  It's a great way to keep your exercise routine diverse and interesting whilst testing out things you might normally not go for like aerial yoga or hip hop dance class.  CLASSPASS is flexible for signing up and very straight forward to use.  I came across CLASSPASS in Berlin and I loved the concept.  It's growing so check it out as they may give you access to local studios that you've always wanted to check out.CLASSPASSResearch, Research, Research!  Make a list of all of things that you feel you like to try or explore and a list of all of the local studios / classes near your home and work.  Another approach can include what do you want to get from the exercise?  For me I want to feel strong and lean.  I am not particularly concerned with weight loss.  Also I would love to have more flexibility and strengthen my core so my focus is on pilates, yoga and HIIT.  I am still open to going to other classes.  I love discovering new studios in my neighbourhood and going to classes that I would not normally choose or discover if I hadn't been looking around.  Making notes on the different places is important so you can have them for reference as and when you need it.  I know where the pilate places are that I can walk to from home and from work.  Make exercise accessible by knowing what's in your area.GoogleWhat do your friends do for exercise?  Friends are a great source to tap for exercise inspiration and there is the added benefit that you could meet up with them for a class or meet at the studio.  It's great to have a buddy to work out with as it gives you more of an incentive to stick to what you said you were going to do.  Unless it's with your friend who always bails last minute!  We all have one.  ;)  A friend is a great ambassador of a studio as they will have their own hacks for getting the best out of a location for example which are the quieter classes, the teachers they prefer, and best packages to get.  Better still have a friend get a guest pass so you can experience the space as their guest.  Not all studios do this but it's always worth asking.Finding free classes and local facilities.  If you don't want to be spending money on the classes for what ever reason then most areas will have free classes.  It's a case of doing some research online and finding them out.  For example the athleisure store Sweaty Betty offer classes after work hours in their shops.  This varies shop to shop as to what it is and when. It's worth popping in or connecting with your local store online to find out more.  Sport brands such as Nike offer different activities in and around the store for example most have running stores or classes in the day.  It's all about investigating and asking around locally.  It's a great way to connect with brands and people in your neighbourhood.Nike RunningHave fun experimenting with all the different exercises and remember its about finding something that you like and will want to commit to.    


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I Quit Sugar - well with a little help from Sarah Wilson and her team