Coconut Oil: Why use it?


Benefits of CoconutsIt's interesting to see that there are over 1500 studies on the benefits of coconut oil and it's a very simple product with many uses.  The best coconut oil is organic, cold pressed and 100% pure.  It doesn't need to have anything else added to it.

Moisturiser - It is very hydrating for your skin.  It nourishes any dry patches, cuticles and helps elasticity. It is a natural low sun protection.  It is a great oil to use on stretch marks and help the skin recover.  There is currently a lot of debate as to whether you should use coconut oil on your face as a moisturiser.  I personally don't but I think it is best to see how your skin reacts to it. Another solution is to mix a few drops with your face moisturiser at night to add in extra nutrients for your skin.
Hair Conditioner - Coconut oil can give so much nutrients to your hair by using as a deep conditioner.  To do this have a small amount of liquid coconut oil and massage it into clean damp hair.  I would leave it in for an hour or two and then rinse it out with shampoo.  I normally comb the coconut oil through my hair and then wrap my hair up in either a hotel shower cap or clean towel.  The amount of coconut oil you want to use depends on the intensity and hair length.  When I was traveling in the Far East I was conscious of the sun/sea/humidity on my hair so I would sometimes put coconut oil in the ends and tie it up in a bun to create a barrier from the elements as the sun is quite damaging.
Tablespoon in the morning - It is known to help reduce cholesterol and suppress hunger over time.  This is obviously whilst eating a healthy and balanced diet.
Cooking - Replacing other oils with coconut oil in cooking has grown in the past few years.  I personally love the taste or hint of aroma that it adds to food. I use it when I do stir fries or Asian influenced dishes. There are mixed opinions on its long term benefits or issues.  I still use olive oil on other dishes.  Experiment with the foods you normally cook with coconut oil and see what dishes you like it with.
It's always best to use 100% organic cold pressed coconut oil.  Not all coconut oils are created equal!Coconut


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