Jessica Lee Yoga

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Sunday reading

I spend a bit of time commuting and traveling for work.  I try my best to use the time for either listening to podcasts or reading on my kindle.  I like to disappear into a whole new world or be learning.  I like to include reading on my self care Sundays.Here are some of the latest items that I have added to my kindle.The Collective Hub Magazine - I have a subscription to this magazine.  It's always full of amazing people and brands.  It was created by Lisa Messenger who has her own incredible story.  The magazine can be downloaded on to your phone / tablet / kindle.The Beautiful Truth by Mark Anthony - I came across his poetry via instagram.  His poems kept popping up on my feed and a few clicks later... I purchased this book.  I am looking forward to reading it in the next few weeks.Do Breathe: Calm your mind. Find focus. Get stuff done by Michael Townsend Williams - This one is a recommendation from one of my gal pals.  So far I'm finding it relaxing, accessible and giving myself gentle reminders of small changes that will have a big impact on me in the day.Spark Joy:  An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo - I've been implementing her technique at home which has had a huge impact.  It's still not quite how I would like the space to be but it's very close.  I have found having the illustrated guide to be really useful in organising most of our things in the flat.I am always open to suggestions so ping me a message if you have any recommendations.