Jessica Lee Yoga

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5 Great Workout Apps

Sometimes going to the gym or a class isn't feasible.  I like to keep my routine varied and have experienced some great apps for working out.  Here are 5 workout apps that I have used and I think are worth sharing:

  1. Nike Fit - This is a free and very versatile app.  There is a variety of workout programs at different levels so you can create your own workout routine.  It's a straight forward app to use.  The more you use it the more bonuses you can accumulate.  The bonuses can include extra workouts, tips from Nike Sports Ambassadors and recipes.  You can play your own music whilst working out and the voice over will come in to remind you what to do next.  There are images with step by step instructions for any of the moves that you aren't sure about.  These are useful.  The cons would be that it requires equipment so it wouldn't be ideal for someone traveling with no gym access or who doesn't have the dumbbells at home.  There isn't any where to record the weight that you have been using to monitor your progress.  But overall it's a great app that's free.  Nike Fitness App
  2. Get Running App (Couch to 5K) - This one costs £1.19 or $2.99 for iPhone or Android phones.  It's basically interval training to build you up from being a non-runner to 5km over a set number of weeks.  You can indicate how much time you want to spend say running 3 or 5 times a week.  You can play your own music as you workout.  The app tells you when you are halfway so you can turn around and follow the same route home which is handy.  You don't want to overrun and you may not have your bearings yet on how far you are actually going.  It's a straight forward app with low key style graphics. Overall it's really easy to use and simple in design.  The interval structure means that you can build up your stamina and genuinely run consistently for 30 minutes by the end of the program.  Get Running App - Couch to 5KM
  3. Yoga Studio App - It is aimed for beginners to seasoned practitioners.  Yoga is always great to do in a studio or with a teacher. Sometimes the class times may not fit into your schedule or it may be a financial constraint.  Yoga Studio app is a great alternative and will help a yogi develop their own practice at home or on the road.  Yoga is beneficial for flexibility, strength, tone, benefits other sport performances and improves respiration.  The app has a good layout which allows you to tailer your practice according to level, time, and focus.  All the classes come with video and commentary to guide you through the practice.  You can create your own class by choosing specific poses that you want to work on and the app smartly chooses extra poses to create a unique practice that links to the areas you want to work on.  There are 280 poses to choose from!  You can create a schedule that will link into your tablet or phone calendar.  Downloading the content on to your phone won't take up lots of space as the team have created videos that are high quality (HD) but as small as possible.  It is a paid for app - it's pretty much the cost of a coffee or tea i.e. £2.99.  For the convenience, variety and ease this is an app worth investing in.  Even if you don't want to become a yogi it will do wonders for your flexibility and help focus your mind. Yoga Studio

  4. Supermodel Ballet Body App - This app is created by Robert Brace (celebrity personal trainer and former ballet dancer) and Alicia Rountree (model, restaurant owner, entrepreneur, wellness coach).  It is basically a ballet inspired all body workout.  It does have a couple of videos available but the rest have to be purchased inside the app.  When I first used this I had a couple of issues but these were quickly resolved.  The exercises focus on different muscle groups and are easy to understand and follow.  Each segment or body part is about 10 minutes long so you can tailor make your workout session.  This app is good for those who travel or want to work out from home.  I found that it worked muscles that I couldn't remember using in other exercises - they basically ached the next day!   The app has two levels within it.  It's available as a video link on to buy or to rent.  This is US only.  The app is available for Android and iPhone.Supermodel Ballet Body App
  5. StrongLift 5x5 App - For those wanting to build strength, gain muscle and increase fat burn then this is a great app.  You do require weight equipment to do it though which would mean either hitting the local gym or investing in the weights yourself.  The recommended usage is three sessions a week which are 45 minutes each.  Within these sessions you do 3 sets of exercises in sets of 5.  The app gives a lot of support info on warming up, best practices on the exercises, rest time between sets and shows your progress on graphs.  The initial app is free with an in app purchase called the Power Pack which gives extra features and support in your training.  It is worth buying this as it is the cost of a coffee.  StrongLift 5x5 is available on both Android and iPhone.  stronglifts 5x5

When undertaking any exercise, please consult a doctor prior to doing so to discuss any concerns you may have.Get moving